The Mars Androids
The Mars Androids are a group of machines designed by Humans in 2043, their main purpose, excavating the lands of Mars, ensuring the habitation and survival of Humankind into the unknown planets. Each one of them armed with different roles and tools, they are the most advanced robot's humanity has ever invented.
The Characters:
The Harvester
The Harvester is the main gathering android of the team, his mission, extract everything from the planet that helps the colony survive and thrive. The Harvester is the lowest rank of the hierarchy being supervised by the Overwatch. 
The Overwatch
The Overwatch sees everything, this android's job is to hear and observe anything that goes on the mission, he is the eyes on the sky, his information, vital to the colony.
The Engineer
The Engineer's job is to guarantee the functionality of the system, without the Engineer, the entire Mars Colony would be malfunctioning.
The Marine
The Marine Squadron are the muscle of the whole operation, the army of the Colony, their allegiance sworn to the Overlord, performing his wishes and duties.
The Overlord
The Overlord is the overseer of the Mars' Androids, the leader of the whole operation, manufactured from the wisest minds humanity ever had, his mission is to make sure that everything goes smoothly and according to plan.
The Mars Androids

The Mars Androids
